
Gary's Tips are educational videos designed to help you get the most out of your grooming equipment. New videos and tips are added to the library with each new Ryan's Pet Supplies catalog, so stay tuned and keep checking back for more videos!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Beveled Edge and Convex Edge Shears: What's the Difference?

In this Gary's Tips video, Gary discusses the difference between beveled edge, non-honed shears and convex edge, honed shears.  He addresses the common question of why there is a difference in sharpening costs for each type of shear.  

Beveled edge shears are more durable and can be sharpened on different equipment and by using different techniques than convex shears.  Some shears also have serrated edges lose their serration over time due to the sharpening process.  Gary talks about why the serration is important and how it can be added back to a set of shears.